About Conscious Kidz

What is Neuro-Semantics?

Neuro-Semantics is first about performing our highest and best meanings, secondly, about adding richer and more robust meanings to our performances, and thirdly, about transforming and upgrading the embodied meanings we are already performing but which do not enhance our lives or facilitate our resourcefulness.

The semantic part refers to all of the meanings that we create as meaning-makers. How are your meanings? What are your meanings about yourself, others, life, your career, health, wealth, relationships, etc.? What meanings are you seeking to actualize in your life? What meanings have you actualized? How well do the meanings that you are living serve you? How ecological are they?

The neurology part (neuro-) refers to our body, physiology, and states (mental states, emotional states). It is in and through our neurology that we feel, experience, and perform our meanings. What’s in your body? What semantic reactions do you experience in your emotions, states, and skills? Do they reflect your best ideas and meanings? Or is there a big gap between what you know and what you do? With Neuro-Semantics, you are able to close the Knowing-Doing gap.

Read more about Neuro-Semantics and how it has positively affected thousands of people’s lives on Neuro-Semantics