
Happiness - the choice is yours!

April 1, 2015

Recently I attended a talk by Andy Cope, well known author of children's books "Spy Dogs" and also a Research Psychologist. His reaseach over the past few years has been on "happiness and being brilliant". 

I was overwhelmingly happy to hear how many things in his reseach tie in with NLP coaching and the workshops that I offer to kids.

Some of the things he covered during his talk is that we should have a "to be list" instead of a "to do list" in order to be your best self. In my Conscious Kidz Basic Workshop I cover TO BE vs TO DO when I cover Self-esteem vs Self confidence. I spend a whole exercise on BEING yourself, accepting who you are right NOW. The importance of JUST TO BE. In our society today kids feel like they only get recognition when they DO e.g. when they DO well in school, when they DO more extra murals etc. We as parents should praise and encourage our kids to JUST BE.

Another aspect that Cope hightlighted in his reseach is that YOU choose your own happiness. 

Every morining that you wake up, you choose whether you are going to be happy today or not. Cope suggests that you start with something simple like feeling whether you have tooth ache when you wake up in the morning. If you don't feel any tooth ache you choose to be happy about that for the whole day. 

This ties in with the core principle of NLP coaching: "YOU CHOOSE WHAT YOU WANT".  

You as parent could choose to be the best listener you can be when your child tells you about his/her day at school. Take a moment to visualize what the best listener looks like, sounds like and feels like. You could choose to be the best story reader when you read a bed time story to your child. So you can also encourage your child to choose to be the best version of himself that he can be. You don't have to be and an extrovert or the most outgoing child, you just have to choose to be the best YOU! If you are an introvert who likes to read, then be the best reader you can be. If you are an extrovert who likes to lead others, then be the best leader you can be. By choosing to be the best you, you choose to be happy! 

Conscious Kidz News

  • The first workshops for 2015 have kicked off well. 
  • Thank you to all the little learners who had so much fun while learning how their brain works.


  • Conscious Kidz: Career Coaching for Grade 12 is now available.
  • Using the Enneagram (personality instrument) in conjunction with other instruments, I offer Coaching sessions and guidance to Grade 12's getting ready for the world of career and job choices.


"I learned that I can use my remote control and choose how I feel. I don't have to stay angry." Daniel

Dates for upcoming workshops:

Conscious Kidz Basic: (age 9-12) 30 May & 6 June, 9:00-13:00

Conscious Kidz Advanced: 16 May, 9:00-13:00

Conscious Kidz Junior: (age 6-8) 9 May, 9:00-12:00

Conscious Kidz Junior: Workshops for younger ones:

  • I’m very excited about my Junior workshop for younger kids, age 6-8, that was run in the last quarter of 2014 for the first time 
  • This is a shorter, very hands-on program to make kids aware of how clever their brains are.
It covers concepts like :
  • Be able to identify your preferred style of processing information and how it affects your everyday functioning with family and friends
  • Get skills on how you make movies in your mind and how to change the movies that are not effective in your life anymore. This is a tool that kids can use to deal with difficult situations in their lives.
  • Be able to identify primary states/emotions, feelings and thoughts and how you can choose to change them when they influence your behaviour

Benefits for Kids completing the Basic Workshop:

  • Get a better understanding of themself and how their brain processes information.
  • Better interaction with peers, friends and family.
  • Own the power and skills to change their behavior when it is no longer effective in a specific situation.
  • Able to change/develop your own emotions, feelings, thoughts and actions into more productive ones.
  • Understand the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem and be able to build self-esteem

Benefits for Kids completing the Advanced Workshop:

  • Get feedback on the Meta-Progams that you use most often in your life when making decisions
  • Choose when and know how to change your beliefs about yourself and others
  • Provide skills to discover the areas of control and power you own when being or becoming a victim
  • Develop their own personal Genius State

Individual Coaching Sessions:

  • Individual coaching sessions can lead from any of the workshops, based on individual needs.
  • Individual coaching will include four 1-hour sessions of open and interactive discussions with the child on any area in their life where they would like to make the most transformational difference to unleash their potentials, and step up to dreams and hopes that they have for themselves.

Leaving for High School - Ready for High School & Boarding school?

  • I’m offering Individual Coaching sessions for Gr 7’s who are leaving for high school.
  • It will cover aspects like:
  • Self-esteem, Personal Powers and Dealing with Change, including practical tips on how to deal with the transformation from home to a boarding school life.

Recommended Books/Links for Parents:



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Photo by Hugatree

Anne-Marie Wilcocks: BA (HONS) Psychology, 

ACMC, Meta-Coach accreditation, International Society of Neuro-Semantics,COMENSA

Cell: 083 440 3638

